Updated: Dec 4, 2018

From time to time I like to write my thoughts in English, mainly to share my knowledge with my English –speaking clients and let them know that I appreciate their commitment to my work.

Is it true that most people in the west, including Cypriots are buying too much stuff, eating too much food and then throwing too much of it in the bin.

Obviously during Christmas we tend to maximize our buys due to our festive moods leading to some of the worse excesses.

Problem: The consumerism that despoiled the planet.

So this Christmas make your own gifts (you can cook with us) cut down on meat or even just reuse wrapping paper.

There are lots of ways to give a warm holiday glow inside.  Or if you must buy something at least let it feed your mind (book or a children’s book) or your body (yoga pass)

How to have a green Xmas: Follow my family guide

1) Charity donations

2) Homemade marmalade or biscuits or cakes.

3) Reusable cups

4) Eat more vegetables and legumes rather than meat and dairy.

5) Hand – knitted scarves.

6) Cooking classes

7) Tickets to shows


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