alexia potamitou

cause every breath counts

this podcast is inspired by Nichola’s journey. Nicholas is my son and he left the plane of earth on the 24th of October 2023 after a heroic battle with Ewing sarcoma.  His moto was the fact that every breath counts and his life’s mission was to find solutions so that no other kids has to suffer what he had to suffer. 

This Podcast is all about health and wellness. we will talk and analyze many health issues and bring answers that practical and applicable to all.





alexia potamitou

cause every breath counts

this podcast is inspired by Nichola’s journey. Nicholas is my son and he left the plane of earth on the 24th of October 2023 after a heroic battle with Ewing sarcoma.  His moto was the fact that every breath counts and his life’s mission was to find solutions so that no other kids has to suffer what he had to suffer. 

This Podcast is all about health and wellness. we will talk and analyze many health issues and bring answers that practical and applicable to all.


A well rounded guide to get you to understand how to built your dietary plan. With power up you will learn not only how to address your caloric needs to loose weight, built muscle and loose fat but also how to put that in protein, carbs and fat and in your everyday plate.