My 5 health tips to reduce stress and anxiety!

1. Maximize your sleep! 😉 Sleep affects your hormones and weight loss, your energy levels and motivation, your clarity around decision making, your perceived effort and of course you become more productive and efficient! 💪 2. Reduce coffee, alcohol & added sugars. 🍫 The powerful highs these create are often followed by subsequent crashes. They […]

Follow us for a sugar-free HEAVEN!

You are aware that you are not the only person with a “special” relationship with sugar right? But chances are the reasons behind it are unique! To make nice with sugar you will need to identify the types you are drawn to and how much of them you consume. STEP 1 So in order to […]

It’s officially Spring. Don’t let the weather fool you!

FINALLY It’s time to get your butt outside and go for a walk. Go to a festival. Plant some flowers!! Take a hike. Go for a jog!  Pack a picnic. In other words, get off the couch and stop sleeping in so late – it’s no longer winter! You’re gonna need a few energy-boosting tips to […]

Men fertility

Is lack of adequate zinc or copper in your diet affecting your diet affecting the quality of your sperm or your partners sperm? Zinc (Zn) and Copper (Cu) are essential minerals that are found in almost every cell in the body. Zn deficiency impedes spermatogenesis and copper plays a very important role in male fertility. […]

A slice of moderation

As Christmas is in a week’s time I want to remind you not to deprive yourself from the food you love but choose moderation! 1. Don’t beat up ourself over your last indulgence. Instead remind yourself why you want to eat healthy in the first place (having energy to play with your kids, feel confident […]

Are you suffering from Constipation?

Unfortunately, the list of factors that contribute to constipation is quite long. Some causes include: 1. Inadequate Fiber Intake Fiber is an indigestible carbohydrate that bulks up stool making it easier to pass through the digestive tract. You need approximately 30 gr of fiber a day to prevent constipation. According to Harvard health, the standard […]

Boost Your Child’s Immune System

OK, so we are back to school and most of you are wondering what you could do to help your children stay healthy and safe. A common question I get from families around this time of year is “HOW CAN I BOOST MY CHILD’S IMMUNE SYSTEM”, or is there anything they can do to minimize […]

Veganism in Cyprus and kids..

As we seek to lessen our impact on the planet, more and more people are looking to a plant-based or vegetarian diet. That is why I felt the need to come up with a Vegan guide that I can’t wait to present to you soon. Until then I was asked many times lately, how do […]

Let’s talk about… potatoes!

Time and time again, potatoes get a bad rap and perceived as negative. They are often perceived to be associated with weight gain but in fact, fat content in potatoes when it is cooked on its own is only about 0.1% of its fresh weight. I want you to know, no foods are bad and […]


With over 15 million people diagnosed with irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), and studies estimating that number of people suffering from IBS are rising I thought I should make small reminders with this article! WHAT IS IBS? IBS is a common functional gastrointestinal disorder with symptoms including repeated abdominal pain, bloating, changes in bowel movements, which […]

Exercise and Mediterranean diet more necessary than ever

Both gyms and restaurants have reopened, but despite extra weight gain during the lockdowns people are more interested in eating Obesity rates in Cyprus, especially among children, have reached alarming levels in the past years. Marred by the coronavirus pandemic, 2020 further highlighted an issue that was already growing steadily. Curfews and lockdowns particularly hit […]

Low fat diets make you fat

Everyday in my clinical practice, I see clients/ patients trying to lose weight, trying to lower cholesterol and generally trying to “be healthy” by following LOW FAT diets. Unfortunately, this rarely works. Here’s why: THE SATURATED FAT MYTH To fully understand this phenomena, we have to go back to the 1970s and Dr. Keys’ Seven […]

Spring Allergies?

Most of us suffer from one or other kind of allergies. These allergies might range from being mildly irritating or moderately annoying to seriously life threatening. Today I am sharing a few natural remedies that can actually help you in dealing with allergies. Consume Quercetin: Quercetin is a naturally occurring compound, generally found in cruciferous […]


“Detox” is such a trendy word, but what does it even mean? For many, it may even be a taboo subject because in our standard allopathic medicine culture, we have detoxification organs for that, right?! But we’re inundated with toxins from our personal care products, to our cleaning supplies, and in our food system (from […]


We can all admit snacking has become more regular over lockdown. I am not a hudge fun of snacking to be honest. I’d rather have a good meal instead of 4 little ones! But over lockdown with the fridge and kitchen closer than usual, snacks have become our go-to over the past year. But are […]

The Dieter

Last week I received this email…. I am grateful to be given the chance to answer to a voice that represents many people. Dear Alexia I eat relatively healthy and like to be active in a variety of ways but for the last year, I have struggled to lose weight. When I eat less healthy, […]

Our Hammock Days

You know that having good mental health makes it easier to cope with the stresses of the day. As we recently moved from Dusseldorf to Cologne we spend a few days in an extraordinary apartment that my amazing sister in law was able to discover for us. In the middle of this retro and happy […]


For most of us women, cravings intensify during our time of the month. During menstruation, our hormone levels change, causing cravings for high-carb and sweet foods. But your hormones may not be the only thing driving these cravings. Most likely, we all have experienced food cravings of some sort and it can feel extremely frustrating […]

September is for change!

I made food our first cornerstone because it is foundational to exceptional health and longevity. I’ve seen so many people transform their lives by eating more nutritious, whole, plant-based foods. It’s so fulfilling to see people change their lives so positively and healthfully. Whether you are beginning your journey to abundant health and beauty or […]

Stress And Emotional Eating

I have been talking and writing about emotional eating for as long as I have been a dietitian! But, I must admit it is the first time I really leave and breath stress every day in the extent that I sometimes feel I can’t handle it any longer…In my pursuit of a less stressful life […]


In my clinical practice I have seen many people suffering from migrains, mostly women in their peri menopause period. Mrs M has reminded me yesterday that the solutions I proposed to her a while ago worked!! So here it goes… Headaches are an extremely common problem with over 90% of the population estimated to suffer […]

7th Birthday Nicholas

Αγοράκι μου γλυκό, να ζήσεις… να ζήσεις ξέγνοιαστα, να ζήσεις χωρίς άλλες ταλαιπωρίες, δοκιμασίες και πόνο… Νικόλα μου έχεις έρθει στη γη για κάτι μεγάλο! Το ξέρω πια, το νιώθω σε κάθε μου κύτταρο… ο Θεός σε δοκίμασε πολύ από την πρώτη μέρα που γεννήθηκες, σε δοκίμασε ακόμα περισσότερο αυτή την τελευταία χρονιά, μα εσύ […]


Our life is a never ending circle. The seasons come and go. People come and go. You eat, digest, and eliminate. Eventually, everything comes full circle. As we move into spring, there’s a shift in collective energy. It’s time to let go of the stagnation and heaviness of winter and flow into the lightness of […]

Your skin reflects your inner health

As an external reflection of what is happening internally, it’s likely no surprise that what you eat, and how you take care of your body, your emotional, mental, and spiritual health ALL affect how your skin looks and feels. Ι haven’t had any skin issues so far but it seems that the stressful period I […]

Belly fat! Why do I have belly fat?

Well, as you’ve probably heard, where we store fat relates to hormones, genetics, and certain medical conditions. Things that can increase visceral fat include: We can’t do anything about our age, sex, or genes. (Sorry). But we do have control over a few other things. And we’re about to get into just that. Belly fat” […]

What is RED-S?

Relative Energy Deficiency in Sport (RED-S) is a condition that is caused by your body not receiving enough energy for the amount it is expending. This state is otherwise known as low energy availability (LEA). Male and female athletes (or anyone who exercises daily) are at risk of developing the condition due to factors such […]

Happy Easter

I remember when they told us Nicholas was clear and we could fly home. I remember when they told us Nicholas had a relapse. Nicholas Ewing sarcoma was expected to take his life so we had to act fast. I remember sleepless nights trying to find solutions because how can I leave without my son. […]

That Belly Fat

Are you carrying extra weight around your middle? I want you to know that you can blame hormones, age, gut problems or yourself in general but that will not solve the problem! Mainstream media says that dropping weight is just a matter of “eating less and moving more”… but anyone with extra belly fat knows […]

Happy Mother’s Day

Freedom cannot be explained. It has to be experienced. It’s a lightness and a feeling of expansiveness. Deep down we are all looking for that expansion, we want to be free. In our quest, we try to create that feeling with many different things- more money, more vacation, working less! Is it ever going to […]

The muscle centric approach and the IBS!

I have been suffering from IBS for years, I still do as symptoms can be triggered form stress, anxiety and fear. I am constantly working on finding ways to deal with my stress- my life is not exactly normal!- and at the same time I feel that I have mastered the diet approach that souths […]