Updated: Nov 18, 2020

Do you like nachos? Who doesn’t like nachos? Do you feel awful after eating a big portion of nachos! I do,so I was determined to find a solution! And I believe I nailed it! So next time you come to my place to watch a game, you know what we are having as an entrée!

I am so thrilled to share this scrumptious creation! You can make it so easily and it will help you feel amazing. My Easy Vegan Cauliflower Nachos are mouth-watering and delicious. They will leave you feeling so fresh and light in your body, in your skin, in your energy, and in your life! Eating a diet that is rich in plant foods is really the BEST way to detox and take advantage of all the beautiful gifts that this world provides to us.

When we are looking for ways to detox and reach our fullest potential, we must remember it all starts with what we put in our mouth. And when we think of eating healthy and fun finger foods, I am here to tell you that there is more out there than plain veggies. You’re going to love my Easy Vegan Cauliflower Nachos recipe. It is super yummy and it is such a fun twist from the not-so-healthy, mucus-forming, dairy-filled traditional nacho recipes.

Simply roast up some detoxifying cauliflower, layer it with creamy avocado and fresh salsa and you’re on your way to the best nacho plate imaginable. Place a few sprigs of cilantro on top along with flavor-popping jalapeno. Squeeze on some zesty lime and MMMMM, you’re ready to go. It is seriously the tastiest combo! Plus, it is such a fun dish that you can quickly throw together and bring anywhere to share with all your loved ones. You’ll feel so good about what you’re fueling your bodies with!

Diving into Detox

If there is one thing I love to talk about and have been talking about for years now, it’s on the many concepts of detoxing. I’ve written multiple articles on the topic. Let me start by saying I do believe that our body is perfectly capable of detoxifying itself for the most part! But, there is always a but!

We are designed to eat diets that are made up primarily of plant foods. When we fill our plates and our bellies with plant foods, we flourish. And we also keep ourselves toxin-free! As we cleanse ourselves from acidic waste, we can shed extra pounds and let our True Beauty shine through. This also allows us to feel good and it opens up the magical window for amazing clarity to take place in our minds. We all deserve to feel this good.

And this is why I am so excited to bring you this new recipe. Who would have thought there could be a way to detox and enjoy nachos at the same time? I am here to tell you there is! This Easy Vegan Cauliflower Nachos recipe is an alternative healthy twist that is so satisfying. You won’t ever be tempted to go back into those old foods that you might have loved in the past, but now you know are simply not serving you. The more you can sub in healthier, cleaner plant-based options, like this Easy Vegan Cauliflower Nachos recipe, the more beautiful you will feel and look!

Detox-Promoting Ingredients

Now the main ingredient of this recipe is cauliflower, and for good reason. Cauliflower has an amazing ability to detoxify our bodies in numerous ways. For starters, cauliflower contains glycosylates. Glycosylates also work on our cardiovascular, digestive, immune and inflammatory systems. Cauliflower also boasts loads of vitamins and minerals. One large cup of cauliflower provides you with 77% of your vitamin C, 20% of vitamin your K, and 10% or more of your vitamin B-6 and folate needs for the day.

Next up in the layers of nachos, let me talk briefly about jalapenos. Not only do I love these little gems for their robust flavor, but also because they can help the cleansing process. Jalapenos derive their heat from a natural plant compound called capsaicin. Capsaicin packs a real punch, and as you may know, these little peppers are hot! Capsaicin can help fight off infections. It also acts as an anti-inflammatory in the body, helping the body to let go of toxic waste and sludge.

And let’s not forget about the amazing detoxing properties of cilantro. No Easy Vegan Cauliflower Nacho recipe is complete without cilantro. That’s why we use cilantro in the Salsa Fresca recipe, as well as directly in the layers of nachos. Cilantro has the powerful ability to chelate mercury from the body. Researchers have also found that eating cilantro can help our bodies pass lead and aluminum. Viruses and bacteria like to congregate in organs. Therefore we all need to think about detoxing from these chemicals. So layer on that extra cilantro, Beauty!

Salsa Fresca

This Easy Vegan Cauliflower Nacho recipe really comes to life when you layer on the simple Salsa Fresca recipe. Tomatoes are one of my favorite foods to enjoy in the summertime. My husband plants a variety of these jewels in our garden each year!

There are hundreds of tomato varieties out there. For this recipe, I suggest using Roma tomatoes, but be sure to experiment with whatever calls to you. This way you can experience their flavors, textures, and appearances!

Tomatoes come chock full of vitamins, minerals and antioxidants that work powerfully together to take our health to the next level. Their levels of lycopene are basically off-the-chart. This antioxidant is linked to fighting off cancer and decreasing levels of oxidative stress in bone tissue. Tomatoes are also packed with a treasure trove of vitamin C, beta-carotene, vitamin E and the mineral manganese. Our ability to detox and let our True Beauty shine depends on these vitamins and minerals. So be sure to make extra Salsa Fresca the next time you are getting ready to prep this Easy Vegan Cauliflower Nachos recipe. You can always freeze it and munch on it with broccoli or your other favorite veggies!

Time to Make Your Easy Vegan Cauliflower Nachos

To get started making your Easy Vegan Cauliflower Nachos, first focus on putting your Salsa Fresca together. Simply chop all your ingredients together, combine them in a bowl and place them in your refrigerator. This Salsa Fresca recipe is much better if it has the chance to sit for at least one hour before enjoying.

Next, you can move on to making your nachos by getting your cauliflower florets tossed in oil and onto your pan. You’ll then quickly sauté your cauliflower for 3-5 minutes until the cauliflower gets a beautiful golden colour. Then pop the cauliflower into the oven for about 15 minutes so they can get nice and crispy.

Next comes the fun part: time to assemble everything together! Using your favorite large plate, layer your cauliflower, Salsa Fresca, cilantro sprigs, avocado wedges, and jalapeño slices on top of one another. Add fresh lime slices on the side and voila! You’ve got yourself the best Vegan Cauliflower Detox Nachos around!

I hope you enjoy my Vegan Cauliflower Detox Nachos recipe. And don’t forget, you can pin the image and tag me in all of your creations on Instagram or Facebook

. I love to see what you make! And remember: every recipe you make is perfect in its own imperfect way…just like you!

Vegan Cauliflower Nachos (serves 4)


Salsa Fresca Ingredients

· 1 shallot, finely chopped

· 4 Roma tomatoes, diced

· ½ bunch of cilantro, finely chopped

· 1 lime, juiced

· ½ tsp. cumin

· ½ tsp. sea salt

Nachos Ingredients

· 1 large head of cauliflower, chopped into florets

· 3 small jalapenos, deseeded and thinly sliced

· ½ bunch of cilantro

· 1 avocado, cut into wedges

· 1 lime, cut into wedges


1. Preheat your oven to 200.

2. Begin making your nachos by prepping the ingredients for your salsa fresca. After you’ve chopped all the ingredients, combine them in a medium bowl and place them in a fridge for at least 1 hour before serving.

3. Toss your cauliflower florets in oil and sprinkle your spices on the cauliflower.

4. Using a shallow frying pan on medium heat, quickly saute your cauliflower for 3-5 minutes, until the cauliflower begins to golden.

5. Carefully place your cauliflower on a baking sheet and set it in the oven for 15 minutes. Remove after the cauliflower is crispy.

6. On a large plate, layer your cauliflower, salsa fresca, cilantro sprigs, avocado wedges, jalapeno slices, and wedges of lime on a plate.

7. Serve with forks and plates and enjoy It with a group of friends.